Europain 2020
Europain tradeshow hold in France in January 2020 gathered many actors of Industrial Bakery : MECATHERM teams met many customers, partners and other actors of the sector.
The visitors discovered on our booth our latest solutions linked to market evolutions and products trends : Healthy, Organic, Snacking, Premium,...
- The turnkey concept The Baguette Factory, dedicated to African market,
- The new MECAFLEX production line, enabling manufacturers of any size to get optimal flexibility
- The new M-NS dividerto produce premium bread.
- Our new training course available : Master the fundamentals of industrial bakery in 72h
As the reference solutions provider, MECATHERM joined Hubert Chiron (Engineer at the INRA institute) and Benoît Reffin (Baker instructor at Moulins Bourgeois) for the discussion panel : Impact of baking on the taste. Answers like ovens with precise parameters, example of baking on stone have been raised during this panel.
An excellent manner to share our expertise with the actors of bakery.
You could not attend and wish to meet us ? Feel free to contact us or meet us during another event.
Si vous n'avez pas pu être présent et souhaitez nous rencontrer, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter ou nous retrouver sur un de nos prochains évènements.